The South Mountain W.O.R.K.S. Coalition’s targeted region is the South Mountain community in Phoenix, Arizona. Since its inception, the coalition has stayed focused on reducing the negative impact and consequences of youth substance use and underage drinking. We have done this through a myriad of strategies, including adult and youth prevention education and skill development; youth leadership and empowerment; effective community communication; and by building capacity through strong partnerships with local sectors and community leaders that have the highest capacity to invoke change. Additionally, the coalition works on traditional and social media campaigns to increase the perception of risk and reduce youth access, as well as environmental strategies including changing physical design to reduce youth access, policy change and advocacy efforts.
Current Video
April 14th, 2020
South Mountain WORKS Coalition Mission Video
Community Spotlight
The Urban Indian Coalition of Arizona (UICAZ) meets on a monthly basis to discuss important issues affecting the Urban American Indian Community and to organize culturally-minded events and services provided …
Recent Blog Posts
Date: 08/05/2020
August 2020 Newsletter
Click here for the registration links: https://linktr.ee/South_Mountain_Works
Date: 06/30/2020
The South Mountain WORKS Coalition stands in solidarity...
with members of our community who have been tremendously impacted by systemic racism and discrimination, and calls on all sectors of our community, schools, and our elected officials to work …